Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Get It Straight with Daniel Razon Program will End

As I am watching Good Morning Kuya this morning of June 24, 2015, Daniel Razon announced that his program "Get It Straight with Daniel Razon" will cease. No further announcement if there will be replacement but his simple statement that he hoisted made a very strong sad impact on me. I've been watching his program for a quite few weeks already and it engrossed me to carefully listen on his words as he slowly unraveled the center thought or purpose of the questions he is throwing to the guests.

I started watching the GMK show few weeks back when I am no longer interested on how the other two high rating channels run the program. There are so many show businesses and less wholesome news and to add up the fast speaking reporters which in turn like listening to fumbled words and were not able to digest of what they are talking about.

Turning from channel to channel surfing on the cable TV to look for more meaningful news, I happened to land on UNTV and easily captured my interest on the GMK. The setting is comfy and relaxed, the voices are clear and concise, and the vibes are light but strong. And the highlights are the wits and resounding voice of Daniel Razon's overpowering thoughts that straight to the truth with a dash of friendliness that maybe... maybe to avoid annoyance and heavy ambiance to concerned parties.

After the GMK show comes next the sole program of heart pounding and truth searching, waiting to shoot the right and precise questions from the host and the much awaited lurking answers from the guests. It has been a very splendid experience as Mr. Razon is slicing and targeting questions as a common person would want straight answers from the stakeholders. Indeed, many information comes to light on these "bawal and pikon" interviews. I sampled a video below:

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