Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Farms, Fruits, and Bees

This is my Toastmaster's Ice Breaker. I originally gave a title "Some Memories of Childhood" but after my audience heard my speech, one suggested that my title should be "Farms, Fruits, and Bees". And I liked it so I changed the previous heading.

Toastmasters’: The Ice Breaker

I started remembering bits of pieces of my childhood activities when I was 4 to 5 years of age. Every morning, I always woke up hearing the soft thud of falling fruits on the ground. I immediately stand up and hurriedly go out of the house to see the new fruit that fell off from the tree. I was always in berserk because it is the moments where I use my senses – I pick up the fruit and smooths it on my palms, smells the sweet fragrant, and describes the colors. I use also my math skills where I count how many produce fell off from the trees. As a kid, I thought this is a simple gift that the sky gave to me every day.

Do you want to spend time with people that really matter?