Thursday, May 21, 2015

Creamy Stroganoff Rice Toppings

Hectic day of cleaning our home today, stayed late last night doing movie marathon and I still have to wake up early to tend to my family. Hmmm, crazy thinking and wondering what would entice my dear Jaha to eat and savor nutritious food and of course meat. She does not like eating meat with her small teeth. I am now accustomed to really cook the meat tenderly. With my gregarious personality, I am happy I could somehow deceive her (in a good way) of eating her meals! :-)

I went for a quick stop at the grocery and I am positive that this dish will make my daughter eat and satisfied.

My ingredients:

250 grams of pork stroganoff
* stroganoff is a slice/cut into strips
3 pieces of hotdog franks cut into circles
mixed vegetables of corn, carrot, and peas
1 tablespoon of corn flour
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon of cream cheese
cooking oil/corn oil
garlic, minced
onion, minced

My preparations:
1. Heat pan and pour cooking oil.
2. When the cooking oil is heated, drop in the garlic and brown a little.
3. Add the onion and cook until translucent.
4. Add the stroganoff, mixed until browned.
5. Pour 1 cup of water to soften the pork until the liquid evaporates turning it to fry state.
6. Add the franks and the mixed vegetables stirring for a while until browned a little.
7. In a bowl, put a cup of water, put the corn flour and mix until dissolved. Upon dissolving, add the cream cheese and mix together.
You can prepare this in advance to save time.
7. Pour the mixed liquid into the waiting pan.
8. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. This depends on your taste buds.
9. Add more 1 cup of water and simmer for 2 minutes.

Ready to go! Cooking time is max 30 minutes. So simple, so easy, and meat is tender, just enough for my kid's bite.

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