Thursday, October 1, 2009

Go Hungry for a Change

Some inserts by Chet

Most Americans eat three meals a day and guzzle soft drinks and snack on junk food during many of  the rest of their waking hours.

Most Filipino's are fond eating snack foods which total 6 meals a day. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, supper, and midnight snack. Filipino's are well-knowed in eating rice and carbs especially with rice cakes, delicacies, and varieties of food cooking.

That's why we, as a culture, weigh more than any society in the history of the earth.

And most are feel tired and blue a lot of  the time.

If you're not happy and energetic and feeling on top of your game before you sit down for your next meal, try skipping that meal.

It's amazing how much better you'll feel.

This simple solution to the blahs sounds weird, I know, but it works in most cases, and it's a lot cheaper than pigging out on two big Macs, a coke, and an order of nasty fries cremated in sickening animal fat oil.

Luigi Cornaro figured this out back in 14th century Italy, for Pete's sake. See what he had to say by setting your browser to:

Give your stomach and digestive system a break today. Even they need a rest from a meal once in a while.

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